Secret Ingredient Gravy

I had no idea the first year that I made gravy for Christmas dinner at Hickory Hill how much gravy the 18 people would need. I made a meager saucepan of it, and Susi came over my shoulder with questioning eyes. I made a second pot on the spot and learned my lesson.
At Thanksgiving, I made it straight in the drippings pan while the turkey rested. Annddd since it was an adult Thanksgiving, I took some liberties... It was so good I froze it to take to Doug for Christmas.
Christmas came, and I made my dutiful POT of gravy and served the reheated stuff along side it. NO ONE TOUCHED THE OTHER GRAVY. Catie Beth begged me for the secret ingredient. Uhhhh. . . maple syrup, yeah, that's it. It's NOT the bourbon. . . (Boy, am I in trouble with Papaw.)
5 T of turkey fat and drippings
5 T of flour
3 T of Belle Meade Bourbon
2 T of maple syrup.
~4 cups of HOT turkey stock (separated 1 and 3 cups)
2 T of milk, cream, whatever
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
~ With the roasting pan from the turkey, remove all fat and veggies, but reserve 5 T of fat.
~ Return 5 T of fat to pan and whisk in 5 T of flour over med. heat.
~ Cook for five minutes so that the roux becomes dark.
~ Whisk in a cup of the turkey broth to bring the roux together.
~ Add 3 T of Belle Meade Bourbon and whisk for three to five minutes so the alcohol burns off.
~ Add 2 T of maple syrup, the remaining turkey stock, salt, and pepper to taste.
~ Once all bubbling and fully thickened, add milk/cream and however much stock you want to the consistency you want.
~ When I froze this, I added nearly two more cups of turkey stock to reconstitute it. (Thank goodness; it lasted two days!)