Pie Crust Promise
"That's a pie crust promise - easily made, easily broken." ~ Mary Poppins
So I made my resolution to post every Sunday. . . maybe every other Sunday?
I'm missing La Madeleine in this real winter that Nashville is having.
No, not a person, but a place with memories:
Lunches with my high school boyfriend's mother over quiche and tomato basil soup.
Catching up with Jodi when back in Bethesda over croissants and potato galettes.
Grading papers on a school night by their fire and snacking on bread and jam.
For some reason, I was never self-conscious eating and sitting there alone for hours on end.
For some reason, I feel that way at a patisserie in Brooklyn too - where I always ordered a quiche and sat outside before I headed to Matt's brownstone.
Maybe the French believe food is too important not to miss a meal - solo or not. . .
I'm at a loss why we don't have one here; I've written them five times and begged - BEGGED.
So. . . as I planned to make a quiche for the week, I realized I have found a favorite crust recipe and haven't posted it here. Full credit goes to Baking Mischief.
This summer, I did a taste test of about four crust recipes for tomato tarts, plum tarts, and chicken pot pies.
Hers is the HANDS DOWN winner.
I would have been totally skeptical of the crumby mixture and squeeze together method if I hadn't seen Gesine do it on Baked in Vermont one day (my eyes bulging and head shaking as I watched.)
But they are both right: it works. And I love rolling the dough out after chilling and still seeing flecks of butter in the dough - it means the pockets will steam and crisp the crust.
The below is for two 9 inch crusts:
2 1/2 cups flour
1 T sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 cup (2 sticks) of frozen butter
2/3 cup buttermilk
~ Pulse the flour, sugar, and salt in food processor.
~ Chop the frozen butter into cubes.
~ Add butter to flour mixture and pulse until flour has pea-sized crumbles.
~ Through the pour tube, slowly add the buttermilk while processing.
~ When the dough JUST forms (I wait till it tumbles once) STOP.
~ The dough will still SEEM dry and crumbly.
~ Divide dough on two long sheets of plastic wrap.
~ Press crumbs together using the plastic wrap to guard your hands.
(Warm hands mean melting the butter!)
~ Chill for thirty minutes before rolling out OR freeze and take out the night before you want to use.
I never have buttermilk in the house. Who does?
I've made it with milk and lemon juice, but so often I don't have lemons either.
So when I DO have buttermilk - I make several crusts and put several in the freezer.
We pulled six out at Christmas for pies!
A little gallery of how I've used it this year:
A plum galette, chicken pot pie and chicken pot hand pie, tomato pie, and cheeseburger pie.